M.S.P.K.Periyasami Nadar Library
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New Arrivals

India Since 1526    

History of India    

Modern Business Correspondence    



Iniyavai Narpathu    

Iniyavai Narpathu    



Nallathanaar Iyatriya Thirikadukam    

Best Practices

📌 OPAC – Multi Access Point.

📌 Free Internet Access.

📌 LAN Networked services for E – Books.

📌 ILL Document delivery through DELNET & AIRC.

📌 Reprography: Photostat copies, Printing, Downloading Soft copies and Scan documents.

📌 Braille and Audio books for Visually Challenged students.

📌 Information on Literacy Programmes.

📌 Displaying Newspapers’ Clippings of Special Column periodically.

📌 Vocabulary Bench.

📌 New Arrivals alert: Displaying and circulating the list of new books.

📌 Competitive Exam Alert through circulars and assistance for online apply.

📌 Hard and Soft collections of Competitive Exam Question Banks.

📌 Annual Best Library User Award.

📌 Organising Book Exhibition for Public.

Vision of the Library

To Support the Institution and its stockholders by providing wide access to the resources such as print and Online Materials relevant to the Curriculum and Research needs of the Academic Community.

Mission of the Library

To provide user with the relevant information they need to Achieve their Highest Academic Status Aware them the Various Skills for Life Long Learning.

Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars' Senthikumara Nadar College(Autonomous)

Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars' Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous) Virudhunagar was founded in the year 1947 with the noble objective of imparting quality higher education to the underprivileged youth of the southern part of the Tamil Nadu. An institution which had a humble beginning has now registered a phenomenal growth by blossoming into a premiere institution with a record number of courses and research facilities in as many as 10 Departments. Bestowed with the state of the art infrastructure and blessed with committed team of staff, the institution is reaccredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC in the 4th Cycle of Accreditation. The Temple of learning has churned out many heavyweights in all walks of life in its journey towards excellence.


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