Best Practices
📌 OPAC β Multi Access Point.
📌 Free Internet Access.
📌 LAN Networked services for E β Books.
📌 ILL Document delivery through DELNET & AIRC.
📌 Reprography: Photostat copies, Printing, Downloading Soft copies and Scan documents.
📌 Braille and Audio books for Visually Challenged students.
📌 Information on Literacy Programmes.
📌 Displaying Newspapersβ Clippings of Special Column periodically.
📌 Vocabulary Bench.
📌 New Arrivals alert: Displaying and circulating the list of new books.
📌 Competitive Exam Alert through circulars and assistance for online apply.
📌 Hard and Soft collections of Competitive Exam Question Banks.
📌 Annual Best Library User Award.
📌 Organising Book Exhibition for Public.